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MNAThe Mini Nutrition Assessment is an assessment tool that can identify geriatric patients age 65 and above who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. It is easy to use, with only 6 questions.
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body. MRI scanners use magnetic fields and radio waves to form images of the body. Body Composition is also estimated using cross-sectional imaging methods like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
MSQThe Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) is designed to measure an employee's satisfaction with his or her job. Three forms are available: two long forms (1977 version and 1967 version) and a short form.
Muscle tissue biopsy This procedure is used to describe the technique of the muscle tissue biopsy with needle or tweezers, taking a minimum of 50 mg of muscle tissue in the external vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh for the study of oxidative stress and gene expression analysis.
MUSTMalnutrition Universal Screening Tool is a five step screening tool to identify adults that are malnourished, at risk of malnutrition or obese.It also includes guidelines for treatment plan.
NRS-2002Nutrition Risk Screening 2002; The purpose of the NRS-2002 system is to detect the presence of undernutrition and the risk of developing undernutrition in the hospital setting. Patients are scored in each of the two components (1) undernutrition and (2) disease severity, according to whether they are absent, mild, moderate or severe, giving a total score 0–6.
Nutrient biodisponibilityThe proportion of a nutrient that is absorbed from the diet and used for normal body functions.the bioavailability of a nutrient is governed by external and internal factors. External factors include the food matrix and the chemical form of the nutrient in question, whereas gender, age, nutrient status and life stage (e.g. pregnancy) are among the internal factors. Because aspects such as nutrient status also determine whether and how much of a nutrient is actually used, stored or excreted, some definitions of bioavailability restrict themselves to the fraction of a nutrient that is absorbed.
PANDORAPANDORA score: Patient And Nutrition Derived Outcome Risk Assessment . This instrument allows a simple comparison of hospital cohort regarding 30 day hospital mortality.
PEA PODThe PEA POD is an Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP) system using whole body densitometry to determine body composition (fat and fat-free mass) in infants weighing between 1 and 8 kg.
PG-SGA The patient-generated-subjective global assessment (PG-SGA) was adapted from the SGA and developed specifically for patients with cancer. A part is completed by the patient, and the physical examination is done by a health professionnal.
Photographic food recordPhotographic food records with photos taken before and after meals are accurate to estimate dietary intake.
QOLSThe Quality Of Life Scale is a valid instrument for measuring quality of life across patient groups and cultures and is conceptually distinct from health status or other causal indicators of quality of life.
RPAQThe Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire (RPAQ), assess usual physical activity (PA) in 4 domains (work, travel, recreation, and domestic life).
SF36The Short Form (36) Health Survey is a 36-item, patient-reported survey of patient health. The SF-36 is a measure of health status.
SFQ The Sexual Function Questionnaire (SFQ) is a self-report outcome measure sexual function. It has recently been modified to create a 28-item version (SFQ28) including the addition of a new arousal-cognitive domain.
SGA Subjective global assessment (SGA) is a validated method of nutritional assessment based on the features of a medical history (weight change, dietary intake change, gastrointestinal symptoms that have persisted for more than 2 weeks, changes in functional capacity) and physical examination (loss of subcutaneous fat, muscle wasting, ankle/sacral oedema and ascites).
SkinfoldsThe skinfold measurement test is used to determine a person's body composition and body fat percentage. This test estimates the percentage of body fat by measuring skinfold thickness at specific locations on the body.
SNAQShort Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ) are short screening tools that can be used by untrained personnel for early detection and treatment of malnourished patients.
Stable Isotope TracersStable isotope tracers provide a safe and powerful tool to investigate carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, especially to asses substrate fluxes in vivo in humans. Isotopes are elements which share the same place in the periodic table. As such, they have the same number of protons, but differ in their atomic mass, which enables us to trace them by mass spectrometry.
Substrate turnoverTurnover number (also termed k<sub>cat</sub>) is defined as the maximum number of molecules of substrate that an enzyme can convert to product per catalytic site per unit of time (a turnover rate).
TFEQThe "Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire" (TFEQ) contains 51 items and measures three dimensions of human eating behavior: cognitive restraint of eating (Factor I - 21 items), disinhibition (Factor II - 16 items), hunger’ (Factor III - 14 items).
YAQ The Youth Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ) is a widely used 152-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). It is a unidimensional assessment of the previous year's diet in 9 to 18-y-olds and requires about 30 min to complete. A typical item asks the respondents to report the frequency with which they consumed a particular food (eg, yogurt, potato chips, and noodles) over the previous year. Response categories differ by type of food; more popular items (eg, apple juice) have response categories represented by days, weeks, and months, whereas less popular foods (eg, raisins) have weekly or monthly options.
Displaying Glossary Entries 26 through 47.
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