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BESThe Binge Eating Scale is a sixteen item questionnaire used to assess the presence of binge eating behavior indicative of an eating disorder. The questions are based upon both behavioral characteristics (e.g., amount of food consumed) and the emotional, cognitive response, guilt or shame.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA (single frequency) allows the evaluation of body composition (fat-free mass (FFM), total body water (TBW)). There are several requirements: subjects should not have significant fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, it should be applied to an appropriate population, with age or pathology-specific BIA equations and established procedures.
BOD PODBOD POD: A method to evaluate body composition. The BOD POD is a computerized, egg-shaped chamber. Using the same whole-body measurement principle as underwater weighing, the BOD POD measures a subject's mass and volume by air displacement plethysmography, from which their whole-body density is determined. Using these data, body fat and lean muscle mass can then be calculated.
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